Should I Sell My House Now Or Wait?


Selling your house in the GTA, Toronto, Mississauga, Milton and  Oakville area.

  1. Thinking of selling your house in ont, canada? 
  2. Should I wait or sell now? 

There are pros and cons to both options, and it can be difficult to make a decision. Let us make it easy by focusing on some of the factors you should consider when making your decision. Experienced and top rated real estate agents' advice may help you  make the right decision!

The real estate market is still very competitive, but we could see prices coming down in 2022. We also expect prices all across GTA to go down even more as there are high chances for more interest to increase by the end of 2022 and in the first quarter of 2023. Increasing mortgage rates and limited inventory will make it difficult for buyers as long-time homeowners who want to sell their homes face stiff competition from other potential homebuyers looking at the same types of properties available on today’s market; this means finding your next great place may just take a little longer than usual!

You have three main choices:

  1. List your home for sale before the price of your home goes down more. 
  2. Hold off on listing your home until the market balances out by the end of 2023.
  3. Stay in your home for the foreseeable future

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If you are thinking of upgrading and need to sell quickly for work, family or other personal reasons, you might decide  to sell now and take advantage of the prevailing low price now for buying your next big house.  On the other hand, if you're simply downsizing to a smaller home, you might prefer to wait until the housing market has recovered  and it's easier to find your ideal property.

To make the best decision for your situation, it's important to take the help of a seasoned, honest and experienced realtor in your city to get a report and research on the current state of the housing market in your area. This will help you understand how long it might take to sell your home and what price you can expect to achieve.

If you're considering selling your home, we recommend speaking to a local real estate agent to get expert advice on the current market conditions. They can help you understand the process of selling and help you make the best decision for your situation. You may like to get in touch with us today to get started.

When to sell?

If you're considering selling your home, one of the first questions you might ask is whether now is a good time to do so. While there's no easy answer, there are a few factors you can take into account that may help you reach a decision.

Of course, it's not just financial considerations that come into play when deciding whether to sell your home.

Buyer’s market vs a sellers market

When it comes to selling your home, timing is everything. In a buyer’s market, there are more houses on the market than there are people to purchase them – meaning the home buyer has more negotiating power. In a seller’s market, on the other hand, there are less houses for sale and more buyers looking to find a home. This situation gives the seller more negotiating power at the closing table.

So, is it a good time to sell your home? If you’re in a seller’s market, then the answer is yes! Now is a great time to take advantage of the situation and get top dollar for your home. However, if you’re in a buyer’s market, you may want to wait it out a bit longer until the market favours sellers again.

Whatever you decide, make sure to consult with a real estate professional to get the most accurate advice for your situation. They will be able to help you understand the local market conditions and give you guidance on when is the best time to sell your home.

Upgrade your living standards with our premium houses for sale in Brampton, priced between $750,000 – $2,000,000. Click now to view available listings!

If you need to relocate

You may need to sell your house if you plan on buying another one while keeping the same during the move. There are many reasons why homeowners do this, including getting a new job or taking care of family members who live elsewhere but still want access into an owner’s suite at their current residence (elderly parents).

This decision should not be taken lightly as it can have significant effects with both properties involved- so make sure whatever reason is strongest personal motivates YOU before considering selling!

If your home’s value has increased 

Sales are down across the board, but if you have equity in your home and it's increasing in value then there may be an opportunity for profit. A strong seller’s market means that homes will sell at higher prices than before; this could mean big money when selling while demand is high! One way to capitalise on these increases would be by refinancing with a cash-out refinance option which allows homeowners like yourself who don't want to move out just yet or need more funds available (e..g., vacation) without taking any loans elsewhere. 


If you don’t have enough equity

When you pay off the balance on your mortgage, it's like earning equity in a home. The more built up there was before selling-the better chance that profit will be made from sale and how much money can go towards paying off remaining balances or even getting rid of houses altogether if costs are too high due to high interest rates across loans versus what buyers might have been expecting when deciding where best place their investment dollars!

When the value of your house declines below what is owed on it, you may have an underwater mortgage. This could be because property values in areas where houses are being sold have dropped or maybe payments haven’t been made since purchase and there's no way to sell without paying large amounts upfront .

This scenario happens less often now due to demand however; as more folks want owning properties around town but struggle with finances

If the supply is high 

The housing market is flooded with more homes than there are buyers-in other words, a buyer’s market. This can make real estate transactions somewhat difficult for home sellers because it puts them at a disadvantage when competing against each other in order to attract attention from potential customers who are looking around town or even just passing through on their way somewhere else entirely! The good news? You don't have too much competition as far as price goes; so if things get tight during negotiations and talks break down completely then feel free to use that old favourite trick: lower your asking rate slightly (maybe 5% instead 15%).

The housing market is not the only thing that changes with time. We live in an ever-changing world, and so do our needs for buying or selling real estate property. I know it may sound surprising but even though we’re currently experiencing a buyers market - which usually means lower prices than what buyers would be hoping to pay on their homes--you should still consider trying your luck at getting one of those houses sold! It's never too late until after all.


With so few people buying homes and selling theirs, it's a great time to put your house on the market if you're ready. Selling real estate is always an important decision with plenty of factors that should not be taken lightly- but this may just suit some homeowners better than others! Before making any decisions about where or how much money will exchange hands during negotiations do research into all possible options first by talking directly with experts in the real estate world.

Upgrade your living standards with our premium houses for sale in Toronto, priced between $750,000 – $2,000,000. Click now to view available listings!

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